November Spotlight Shines On Nicky VanValkenburgh

For adults with ADHD [Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder], trying to maintain their focus long enough to read an entire book is overwhelming. Nicky VanValkenburgh addresses this in her introduction with her book, [amazon_link id=”0615297943″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Train Your Brain, Transform Your Life: Conquer ADHD In 60 Days, Without Ritalin[/amazon_link]. Nicky VanValkenburgh hopes her book will help adults with ADHD be better able to focus, tune out distractions, get organized, and just be overall more productive.

Nicky VanValkenburgh is interested in helping sufferers of ADHD because she suffered from ADHD …  until she took steps to relieve her condition without medication. After experiencing breakthroughs with personal mental training, she began to write her book. With three years of exploration, research, and writing, VanValkenburgh’s book is filled with the science behind brain training technology and personal stories and experiences designated to help the reader make informed decisions.

A motivational writer with 20 years’ writing experience for various publications, Nicky has a Masters in Journalism from Regent University, and a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Eastern University. She is also a contributing writer for Upstate Parent, Low Country Parent and Palmetto Parent magazines in South Carolina.

Combining her experience with writing and her devotion to learning all she can about healthy living, Nicky is hoping her book will be able to reach more and more people and help them with their ADHD problems.

Please welcome Nicky VanValkenburgh to the Spotlight!

[amazon_link id=”0615297943″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Train Your Brain, Transform Your Life: Conquer Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In 60 Days, Without Ritalin[/amazon_link]MCA: Welcome to the spotlight Nicky VanValkenburgh! Can you please
tell us about what motivated you to create Train Your Brain, Transform Your Life?

Nicky: “Sometimes people are hesitant to try new things, because they want scientific evidence and proof that it works. That’s why I wrote my book, Train Your Brain, Transform Your Life.

I wanted to share the science, mixed with personal stories, insights and experiences. I discuss my personal experiences with Attention Deficit Disorder, and explain the science behind the brain training technology. By reading my book, you will be able to examine the facts for yourself and make an informed decision as to whether brain training is right for you.

This “brain training” system is for adults and children. I recently heard from a man who has recovered from Post traumatic Stress Disorder by training his brain. He explained to me that he had “night terrors” and flashbacks,  which doctors insist are “incurable” symptoms, but now they have disappeared because he has been training his brain.

MCA: Now that you have an award-winning product, what are your goals for the next year?
1. To appear on the Joni Show, 700 Club, local TV news, and other TV media outlets.

2. To be interviewed on The Doctors, Dr Oz, and Oprah.

3. To do 15 radio interviews each month, thereby increasing awareness of my book + message.

4. To appear in natural health, wellness, new age, psychology, ADHD, and parenting media– to get the word out about my book and message.

MCA: Please name three ways your Mom’s Choice Award® will help you attain your goals.
The award will help me leverage my marketing platform primarily with networking opportunities. This award enables me to meet new people in the media, so that I can land more radio, print and TV appearances.

The Mom’s Choice Award gives me a ‘seal of approval’ that creates credibility, trust and authority for my work. Ultimately that will help me to increase book sales and grow my business.

I hope this award enables me to sell more books and get the word out. I am also hoping to meet someone who will enter a joint venture with me or partner with me to grow my business. I’d like to meet someone to could help me take things to the next level.

MCA: Can you share with us what you learned about yourself as an writer in creating your award-winning product?
Sometimes your greatest weakest can be an opportunity in disguise. I never imagined that anything good would come out of my nightmarish experience with Attention Deficit Disorder. I had a bad experience with
Ritalin, but this motivated me to search for answers.

I read more than 300 books and articles from my local library. I even read medical textbooks on neuroscience and the brain. After three years of research, the pieces finally came together and I was able to write my book. My experience was so victorious, that I called my book Train Your Brain, Transform Your Life: Conquer ADHD In 60
Days, Without Ritalin.

My experience reminded me that it’s important to think for myself, and do my own homework. Don’t fall into a trap of blindly trusting authorities. This is the mistake that I made when taking Ritalin. I assumed the drug was safe and mild. I assumed my doctor had my best interest at heart. Now I realize that my doctor only has a partial understanding. He doesn’t know everything.

The topic is confusing, with different opinions and points of view. Consider the differences between medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurotherapists, and biofeedback practitioners. Each of them diagnose and treat ADHD differently. Some folks even say that ADHD is a made-up diagnosis. It’s a hot topic, with authorities on both sides of the fence. In my book, I share the classic story of “The Elephant and the Six Blind Men” to illustrate
that people see things in different ways, based on their experience and perspective. No one knows everything on a particular subject. Even an expert may not be aware of the whole picture.

It’s a hard lesson to learn. Just because someone is an authority does not mean they’re right. Sometimes, an authority isn’t correct at all. There are alot of different opinions about ADHD.

My critics might say that I’m a blind lady who is only looking at one part of the elephant, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’ve found something that dramatically reduces my ADHD symptoms, and has changed my
life for the better. What matters is that you can do the same. You can tackle those stubborn ADHD symptoms, like distraction, disorganization, restless energy, and low arousal. You can tackle these symptoms wihtut swallowing pills or wrestling with side effects.

I tell everyone, “If you can spare just 22 minutes a day, then you can train your brain and transform your life. Yes, you can conquer ADHD in 60 days, without Ritalin.”

MCA: Since launching your book, what has been your most rewarding experience in promoting or sharing it with the public? Do you have a favorite memory?
“A customer read my book and purchased my “brain training” machine. He has severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. By using the machine, he tapered off his medicine, and eventually discontinued it altogether. He has experienced a remarkable improvement in his stress levels and job performance. He notices that he thinks faster on his feet, and is more productive during the day. This customer truly has trained his brain and transformed
his life.”

MCA: As a new honoree, do you have any questions you’d like some of the “old hands” to answer for you?
“I’d love to hear from anyone involved in natural health, wellness, new age, psychology, ADHD, or parenting media– help me get the word out about my book and message. Check out my website at

Mom’s Choice Awards® Honors

[amazon_link id=”0615297943″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Train Your Brain, Transform Your Life: Conquer Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In 60 Days, Without RitalinTrain Your Brain, Transform Your Life: Conquer ADHD In 60 Days, Without Ritalin[/amazon_link] by Nicky VanValkenburgh
Petrie Press, 2011
2011 – Adult Book, Self-Improvement

Contact, Connect and Network with Nicky

The Alumni Spotlight is a periodic feature on the official Mom’s Choice Awards® blog. It is part of our ongoing effort to “shine the spotlight” on you and your award-winning, family-friendly products, services, and media.