The Alumni Spotlight is a periodic feature on the official Mom’s Choice Awards® blog. It is part of our ongoing effort to “shine the spotlight” on you and your award-winning, family-friendly products, services, and media.
MCA: Welcome to the Spotlight, Susan and Tina. We’re glad you could join us today. Could you please tell us about the inspiration for Maya’s Journey Home?
Susan: The inspiration for our book came from the real-life Maya, who like the baby in the book, needed a mother and found just the right one for her.
MCA: What are your goals for your book in the next year?
Tina: We hope to get this story out there. Our goal is to give adopted children a book in which they see their story reflected. We would like to make adoption less of a mystery, and show that it all comes down to love, no matter if you look like your parents or not.
MCA: If someone gave you air time for a 15-second commercial, how would you entice people to read Maya’s Journey Home?
Susan: I would give a short summary of the plot of the book, why it’s a great addition to anyone’s library, show some of the pictures, and tell why it’s so important.
MCA: You started with an idea and now have a successful, award-winning book. Looking back on your journey, what was the easiest part? The hardest? What surprised you the most?
Tina: I’ll take this one. The easiest part was the basic idea for the story, since it had special meaning and is based on a real experience. The hardest part was making every word count and showing (visually) the feeling we were trying to portray.
What surprised me the most was how well the pictures told the story of the book, meshing with the feelings involved, leading it toward the happy ending.
MCA: Since launching your book, what has been your most rewarding experience in promoting or sharing it with the public? Do you have a favorite memory?
Susan: My school visits have been the most rewarding. Being able to share it with children and see their joy as they hope Maya gets adopted. The positive feedback also has been rewarding. When you start the process, you have no idea how it’s going to work out and the end product was amazing.
MCA: Could you please tell us why you chose the Mom’s Choice Awards® program in seeking recognition for your book?
Tina: We have always known our book was a great one for families of adoption. The Mom’s Choice Awards® seemed like a natural fit. Our goal is to reach those moms who can relate to the adoptive journey, and the Mom’s Choice Awards® gives us an opportunity to share it with them. It lets the moms know that yes, other moms like the book too, its quality has beeen validated, and you should check it out.
MCA: What does it mean to you to be a Mom’s Choice Awards® alumnus?
Susan: It means that people have seen what we saw all along – that Maya’s Journey Home is great for families. It reaches people whether they have adopted or not, because the main theme is unconditional love.
MCA: What did you learn about yourself in the process of creating your award-winning book?
Tina: I learned that a message can be communicated in many ways, such as in words and pictures. Also, I learned that you have to check over your work very carefully, and many times, to get it just right.
MCA: Would you recommend the Mom’s Choice Awards® to other entrepreneurs? If so, why?
Susan: Yes, I would recommend this program to others. The Mom’s Choice Awards® exemplify quality. An award helps people trying to make decisions for their families cut to the chase. Knowing that a qualified panel of judges has already critiqued the item for the same standards I would have, is a great help when I am figuring out what to buy.
MCA: How has Suitemates Publishing benefited by being a Mom’s Choice Awards® honoree? Do you have any tangible examples?
Tina: Our company takes pride in this book, but knowing that we received a Mom’s Choice Award® has brought more pride for our product. We have benefited in sales, which is great, but knowing that we have a quality product is more important. Our message has reached people who might have overlooked us before.
illustrated by Wendy M. Cannon
Suitemates Publishing Company, 2008
Contact and Connect with Susan and Tina