From toy creator – to children’s book author!

A great number of our Mom’s Choice Award® Honorees and Distinguished Alumni start their journey with two things: 1) an idea, and 2) the motivation to make their idea a reality! Luis Rodriguez’s journey started the same way, too. His idea? A cuddly koala toy! What he discovered in his journey, though, is that cute plushy marsupial would lead him to … Read More

UPDATED: February Award Winners: Mom’s Choice Awards Press Release

Welcome Honorees & Visitors! We’re glad you’re here to meet our newest members of the Mom’s Choice Awards® family! Our monthly press release introduces you to award winning products and services that have EARNED our Honoring Excellence seal. Browse to find the best in family-friendly products, services, and resources for your children or yourself. The Mom’s Choice Awards® distinguishes itself in … Read More

Let’s Chat: First Fridays by the MCA Academy

At the Mom’s Choice Awards®, we are always thinking of ways to help fans and Honorees alike lead rich, more fulfilling lives. For us, it isn’t about Tweets and Facebook pages, or even emails … it’s about the personal connections. So what has YOUR Mom’s Choice Awards® team of big-idea thinkers, designers, technologists, and producers come up with? FIRST FRIDAYS CHATS Beginning … Read More

Social Media Marketing: Where do I start?

Wondering what social media marketing is? Feeling overwhelmed by all the tech talk? I have a confession to make: I often am stuck trying to figure out which are the best “social media marketing” ideas and get a little overwhelmed too. Sorting through the daily avalanche of social media news isn’t easy. Not only are there new platforms coming to … Read More

How to Size Images on Social Media: A Cheat Sheet (Infographic)

See on – Honoree Marketing Tips & News Take the pain out of adding images to your brand’s social media accounts by following this easy guide to sizing images.Get the latest blog articles on… Dawn Matheson‘s insight: Boy, have I waited a long time for this! A must bookmark if ever there was one! See on

Families will love the SolPals solar nightlight!

Can you imagine coming home to no electricity? No heat. No light. What if you didn’t have electricity at all? As adults we can “get by.” Kids get very scared. That’s what Ron and Chantele Gustavson saw when they watched a documentary about poverty-stricken inner-city children who lived in the dark, due to their families being unable to afford electricity. The … Read More

26 Ways to Market Your Business With Tumblr | Social Media Examiner

See on – Honoree Marketing Tips & News Marketing with Tumblr: Learn how 26 businesses useTumblr and gain insights into how you can include Tumblr in your social media marketing today. Dawn Matheson‘s insight: Social Media Examiner’s A to Z series on social media serves two purposes. It is a great introduction to a particular platform; and it gives … Read More