Magician, Comedian, Author: Bob Klamm

Bob Klamm has been cracking jokes and lifting spirits since he was a young boy. Even though he was born nearly blind, he has been entertaining others with his wit and performing as a magician! His work inspired him to write many books, including the award-winning Outfox the Kids for Fun and Profit. Not only is Mr. Klamm a magician, … Read More

Children’s Book Well Earth Well Me! encourages kids to love the Earth

If you’re in the northern hemisphere this time of year, you’re likely seeing at least a few signs of winter … Perhaps you envision yourself someplace else instead. Maybe a peaceful vacation on a warm, sunny beach! While your mind may be littered with ideas of sun and surf, you don’t want the sand covered with litter, do you? Unfortunately, … Read More

Civil War Book: A Life’s Work

J. Arthur Moore has 42 years of experience as an educator … experience that led him to write an amazing Civil War story for young readers. Now retired, Mr. Moore lives in Pennsylvania and enjoys spending time with his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Please welcome Mr. Moore to the first Alumni Spotlight of 2013 … a year where we will … Read More

Mom’s Choice Awards Honorees – December Press Release

Welcome Honorees & Visitors! The Mom’s Choice Awards® distinguishes itself in the ways that we recognize and celebrate our award-winning creators: authors, artists, publishers, inventors, and more In our monthly press release we publish our newest honorees. You will find award winning books, educational products, toys, and more for your children ages infant through young adult, from traditional picture books … Read More