Magician, Comedian, Author: Bob Klamm

Bob Klamm has been cracking jokes and lifting spirits since he was a young boy. Even though he was born nearly blind, he has been entertaining others with his wit and performing as a magician! His work inspired him to write many books, including the award-winning Outfox the Kids for Fun and Profit. Not only is Mr. Klamm a magician, he is also a teacher and mentor for children of all ages. Welcome, Mr. Klamm!


MCA: Welcome to the spotlight Mr. R. W. Klamm! Can you please tell us about what motivated you to create your book?

Klamm: I have been legally blind all my life, and with my eyes going even faster now, photos are of no use. I wanted some verbal snapshots of the grandchildren to remind me. They say that a picture is worth a thousands words, but to me, the words from my books beat any snapshot.

MCA: Now that you are the author of an award-winning book, what are your goals for the next year?

Klamm: After writing a book about parenting and a memoir about being a magician, I am working on another book. Here is a sneak preview: The title is Jesus Was a Salesman and it reveals how ad men make millions and how Jesus changed the world, using these powerful persuasive techniques. It explains how they can work for you in everyday life.

MCA: Please name three ways your Mom’s Choice Award® will help you attain your goals.
Klamm: First, it makes the third in a trilogy of award winning books.
Second, it gives me a chance to plug the earlier two prize winners, “Fly Like a Bumblebee” (Insights from an unsighted magician) and “Get More Laughs From Your Laughs” It’s fun to be funny.
Third, it gives me a chance to announce my upcoming book, “Jesus Was a Salesman.”

MCA: Since launching your book, what has been your most rewarding experience in promoting or sharing it with the public? Do you have a favorite memory?
Klamm:  Not a favorite memory but a favorite story from the book because it speaks so directly to parents, in such a delightfully indirect way. Here it is: From Whose Life Is It, Anyway? © 2005 by R W Klamm

Johnny was a chick and not a duck. Quite naturally, he was afraid of water.

He tried desperately to please his father in many other ways. He learned to waddle like a duck; grew a bright red comb; learned to crow as beautifully as an opera singer, but he was still afraid of water.

“You are just a good-for-nothing, yellow chicken.” goaded Douglas.

“I cannot deny my own nature!” Johnny shouted.

“Well you walk like a duck, you talk like a duck. You must be a duck. If you are not a duck, then you are not my son, and there is no place for you in my coop!”

“All right! All right!” cried Johnny. “I’ll try!” With that, Johnny jumped into the lake, tried to swim, soon got in over his head, and that was the end of that.

You will get farther, faster, if you trust your kid’s road map instead of your own.

MCA: As a new honoree, do you have any questions you’d like some of the “old hands” to answer for you?
Klamm: Yes, with “Bumblebee” being recorded for Library of Congress, becoming a stage play, a feature movie in the mill, world-wide interest in “Laughs”, you’d think an agent would find this a fertile field. What does it take to get one?

Great question! Anyone have any advice about agents? Good luck in the new year Mr. Klamm!

Mom’s Choice Awards® Honors


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