Alumni Spotlight Update: Heather Ledeboer,

We call our honorees “alumni” for a reason … you deserve a lifetime of recognition for all you’ve accomplished to help families find the best. Our new Update series gives you a chance to meet or reconnect with honorees you’ve read about or heard about before. So on with the show …

It’s hard to believe that it has been almost two years since we had a chance to talk with Heather Ledeboer, founder and owner of [Just compare the photo to the left with the one on our original interview.] In our September 2009 spotlight, Heather talked about growing up in a log cabin, being a new mom, and her inspiration for her multi-award-winning website

MCA: I noticed that you have a new Mom4Life video channel on YouTube. What else have you been working on since we did our interview last year?
Heather: We updated our website look and shopping cart to improve upon both the shoppers experience and the ease of back end functions for our staff.

MCA: Do you have any additional honors to celebrate?

Heather: Last year we were honored to receive the Pregnancy & Newborn Readers’ Choice award for “Best Online Baby Store” for the third year in a row.

MCA: In addition to your website, what are the other best places for people to keep up with you and
Heather: We’re on Facebook, Twitter, and we also have a blog. Those are the best ways for moms to discover our sales, product queries, and reviews.


MCA: Now that you are a well-seasoned honoree, what piece of advice would you offer to new alumni?
Heather: Simply to take advantage of the opportunity to talk up your achievements! Make sure you mention it on your press page as well as in press releases, on your social networking avenues and customer newsletters.

MCA: What are you most looking forward to at in 2011?
Heather: Improving our customer base and sales with our new website.

MCA: Do you have anything on the drawing board right now?
Heather: As a matter of fact, I do. I have finished a manuscript of a book and am working on submitting it for publication consideration.

MCA: We are so happy to have you as a judge in helping us select the best in family-friendly media, products, and services. Can you talk about your role as a judge for the Mom’s Choice Awards?
Heather:  I loved being able to see first hand the creative ways that people are using their writing talents. I also enjoyed being able to provide honest feedback in reference to their work.

MCA: Thanks for stopping by, Heather. It was great to have a moment to catch up.