Alumni Spotlight on Tina Turbin, award-winning author of Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy

The Alumni Spotlight is a periodic feature on the official Mom’s Choice Awards® blog. It is part of our ongoing effort to “shine the spotlight” on you and your award-winning, family-friendly products, services, and media.

Through her teenage years, college, married life, and raising kids, Tina’s muse waited quietly. She knew she wanted to write … she loved writing … but it wasn’t until her kids were grown that she really started to polish her craft.

Her experience in the entertainment industry, enhanced by her own success in running a studio, helped shape her direction. She knew she wanted to write for children to stretch, pull, push, and engage their imaginations. Her children’s book, Danny the Dragon “Meets Jimmy,” shows kids (and their parents) just how powerful a story can be. She has used traditional media and is pushing the envelope with Apps to ensure that Danny and Jimmy can go anywhere our kids go.

Please welcome Tina Turbin to the Spotlight.

Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy
MCA: Can you please tell us about the inspiration for Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy?
Tina: When I was 16 I wrote my fist children’s book. I knew it was something I would always pursue. As my own children grew up, it was time to embark upon my dream as an author. I have always wanted to inspire and entertain children’s imagination through my written words.

MCA: What are your goals for your Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy in the next year? [i.e., what do you hope your children’s book will achieve?
Tina: I plan to continue to work with my publisher, Apple, and my media creator, iStoryTime in getting the Danny the Dragon name out to the public much more and as a house hold name, while continuing to interview and visit schools … oh, and write more books.

MCA: If someone gave you air time for a 15-second commercial, how would you entice people to read Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy?
Tina: I look at children as people, as young adults. I treat them with respect and write for them with this frame of mind. I invite you to open my book with your child by your side and let your imagination soar.

MCA: You started with an idea and now have a successful, award-winning picture book. Looking back on your journey, what was the easiest part? The hardest? What surprised you the most?
Tina: The easiest was bar far the idea itself, the idea to write a book. Anyone and everyone has ideas, but now what? The hardest was the publishing aspect and all that there was to learn.

The most surprising part of this incredible journey for me was how much I TRULY have enjoyed learning all there despite the days of anguish. I have come out of all this as a more worldy children’s author and can understand the field much better. I truly am amazed by how this has all unfolded.

MCA: Since launching Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy, what has been your most rewarding experience in promoting or sharing it with the public? Do you have a favorite memory?
Tina: I have so many rewarding memories, especially with all the wonderful schools and hospitals I have visited. One specific trip to the Shriner’s Hospital in Tampa Florida on my East Coast Tour comes to mind. Those precious children, the goal of the hospital staff and the history of the Shriner’s is all outstanding and a real life adjuster once you visit. We have a video on-line of my visit. Tremendous experience.

MCA: Could you please tell us why you chose the Mom’s Choice Awards® program in seeking recognition for your award-winning Children’s picture book?
Tina: I really admired the process and beliefs of this particular award, the efforts in promoting quality family-friendly media products and services to the people who care, and read good evaluations.

MCA: What does it mean to you to be a Mom’s Choice Awards® alumnus?
Tina: It is an honor for me to be an alumnus for this award as it really let’s me know that my efforts as a children’s author are getting across to others, they like it. This is why I write.

MCA: What did you learn about yourself in the process of creating your award-winning children’s picture book?
Tina: How much more I love children and writing for children than I even thought. I have a deep sense of care and love for children and it is even stronger now. Wow!

MCA: Would you recommend the Mom’s Choice Awards® to other entrepreneurs? If so, why?
Tina: I would HIGHLY recommend other aspiring authors and entrepreneurs to submit to Mom’s Choice Awards as this is truly an award of distinction. It is an accomplishment to be very proud of.

MCA: How have you/your company benefited by being a Mom’s Choice Awards® honoree? Do you have any tangible examples?
Tina: The award is just two months new at this writing but the award was received a few days before Apple released my same book on the iPhone and featured it as an apps for the iPad. The Press Releases were beautiful and well received with THIS award included in the title. The media’s incoming calls and reaches were pretty outstanding, and they keep coming.

Mom’s Choice Awards® Honors

Danny the Dragon Meets JimmyDanny the Dragon “Meets Jimmy”
written by Tina Turbin
Illustrated by Aija Jasuna
Imagination Publishing Group, 2008
Silver – Children’s Picture Book, Bedtime Stories

Contact and Connect with Tina Turbin