BookExpo America: Thoughts from an Award-Winning Author

Please welcome award-winning author Cheri Hallwood to the Honoree booth. Three years ago, Cheri made her dreams come true. As she describes it, she embarked on one of the most amazing journeys of her life: writing and publishing her stories. She had always dreamed of writing for children, but it was her grandchildren that inspired Cheri to take her dream one-step further.

In 2006, Cheri published her first children’s book,Winter’s First Snowflake. The next year, she built on her success with The Curious Polka~Dot Present. Next fall (2010), Cheri’s third book will be released. One Wish for Winifred Witch introduces us to a brave little witch with a big secret.

In that same three years, Cheri has become a multi-award-winning author. Winter’s First Snowflake ranked as the “Most Outstanding Children’s Book” in 2007; and in 2008, The Curious Polka-Dot Present merited a silver in the Picture Book category.Last May, Cheri attended BookExpo America in Los Angeles. As an author and owner of her own publishing company, BEA offers opportunities unlike any other venue. We recently had a chance to talk with Cheri about her experience.

MCA: Cheri, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. Could you tell us what made you the most nervous about going to BookExpo America?
Cheri: For my first BEA, I would have to say I was nervous about “everything.” Walking into the exhibit hall that first time was both exciting and overwhelming. When I got to the exhibit hall, I was filled with questions: where do I go first? Would I present myself and my company well? Being a new author and a small publisher, would I be taken seriously? Would I ask the right questions? There were so many publishers, so many authors … there were just so many people who seemed to know much more about what they were doing than I did.

MCA: What five words would you use to characterize the event? Do you have a favorite moment?
Cheri: Wow. I’d have to say overwhelming, informative, inspirational, educational, and supportive. My favorite moment was meeting all the wonderful people involved with the Mom’s Choice Awards. I knew they were great because I had talked with them so many times by email and on the phone. But now, finally, I could put a name with a face! They made me – and every Honoree – feel so very special.

MCA: What were the benefits to you as a children’s book author being at the event?
Cheri: As a children’s author, it was most beneficial to see the current trend in children’s literature and where it is headed.

MCA: One of the main purposes of BookExpo America is to give anyone involved in the book industry a chance to network and promote there work. Was there anything you learned about marketing or promotion from attending and working at the event?
BookExpo America really reinforces the need for an author/publisher to grab every available opportunity to market their product. The key word is probably “exposure.” I will always continue to find new ways to introduce my books to an audience: through awards, advertising, TV and radio spots, and by having a creative website.

MCA: It has been a year, but could you share with us some of the advice the Mom’s Choice Awards offered you to help prepare you for the event? Was their one, most valuable piece of advice that has stuck with you?
Cheri: Their most important advice was really just “Go to the BEA.” It took some coaxing to get me to go. Then, once I decided to attend, it was to make sure I had a plan. You really need to have an itinerary of what you want to see and do before you go. Otherwise you can get derailed fast.

MCA: In the year since you attended BEA, have you seen growth/success/etc as you continue to promote your award-winning products or in how you plan to create/market future products?
Cheri: There is so much at BookExpo America. As you walk around, you see just how many ways people present their work. Sometimes you say “why didn’t I think of that”; other times it’s “maybe I should try that.” Going to BookExpo America made me realize just how important it is to never give up. I will keep looking for different avenues for marketing my products. BEA can give you ideas on ways to think “outside the box” or beyond your comfort zone. Sometimes it takes a very different approach to presenting your goods to get the success you’re hoping for.

MCA: Cheri, Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your experiences.
Cheri: You’re welcome. I wish I was going to New York. I will really miss you guys this year!