April Spotlight on Karen Duggan and Playful Planet

The Mom’s Choice Awards is honored to welcome Karen Duggan, founder of Playful Planet and the multi-award-winning program Storyland Yoga: Interactive Family Fun. As Karen’s story shows us, you just never know when an idea becomes a spark and turns into a passion! Just four years ago, a conversation among parents was the seed for a collaborative effort with her … Read More

February Spotlight on Leigh K. Cunningham,award-winning author

While most of us are cursing the snow, Leigh is enjoying the perpetual summer that comes with living in Singapore. Rockhampton in Queensland, Australia, is Leigh’s hometown and family memories and experiences — especially her grandparents’ hotel in Mirriwinni — are woven into her two award-winning books for young readers. Leigh left Rockhampton in 1994 and after spending several years … Read More