My background as a CPA, and in publishing has allowed me to concentrate on financial literacy, which is my passion as a parent. We must provide our children the financial education they need to not only survive, but to thrive in the world they face.
President George W. Bush appointed Sharon and 18 others to his newly created President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. Sharon continues to serve on the panel under President Obama. The group advises (and encourages) the President vis-a-vis the need for financial literacy education.
We are thrilled that Sharon was able to take some time and join us here in the Spotlight. Please welcome Sharon Lechter.
MCA: Hi Sharon, and welcome to the Spotlight. Can you please tell us about the inspiration for your game Thrive Time for Teens?
Sharon: I am a CPA and a mother of three and felt it was important for my children to learn the same lessons about money that my parents taught me. Not long after my oldest son went off to college, he came home and was asking his father and me to bail him out of the credit card debt he racked up during his first semester. He fell victim to free offers from credit companies and we realized that we had not prepared him for the real life experiences young adults have with money and credit cards. I created ThriveTime for Teens to provide a tool for parents and a fun and interactive way for kids to experience making decisions about money, savings, credit, charity, cars, jobs and work/life balance.
MCA: What are your goals for your ThriveTime for Teens Board Game in the next year?
Sharon: ThriveTime for Teens is currently being used by leading youth organizations and several schools around the nation. We are also thrilled to announce that the game will be part of a new program in East Africa called Financial Clubs for Secondary Schools that is slated to bring financial literacy education to 20 schools across the region by the end of 2011.
My hope is that over the next year, through innovative partnerships and programs ThriveTime for Teens will be integrated into every school system in America and will continue to impact children and families on a broader global scale.
MCA: If someone gave you air time for a 15-second commercial, how would you entice people to play your financial management game?
Sharon: Just $30 and 30 minutes can change the future of a child in your life. Using the experiences my own three kids had with money as they grew up, ThriveTime for Teens features real life scenarios with money and time management, credit cards, savings, jobs and charity, among others. Kids see how the decisions they make have financial, social, and time-related results in a way that is fun and interactive. Help prepare the kids in your life for a sound financial future with ThriveTime for Teens, the award-winning game that has been teen tested and approved!
MCA: You started with an idea and now have a successful, award-winning educational game. Looking back on your journey, what was the easiest part? The hardest? What surprised you the most?
Sharon: The hardest part of creating the game was being sure that although we cover serious concepts like credit cards, buying cars and savings that it was done in a fun and interactive way. Creating opportunities for valuable lessons in the game was critical, but we knew it would only be effective if children would be willing to play it.
The easiest part of the creation process was building the game cards because we were able to use personal experiences. The cards in the game are realistic and they are situations that teens could easily find themselves in or create for themselves.
What has been most surprising is the incredible response we’ve had to the game and the concepts in it from parents, teachers, and teens. We knew we had something special, but the validation from educators, program directors, publication,s and families is amazing. The awards that the game has won and the testimonials that we hear resulting from the game experience are incredible.
MCA: Since launching your ThriveTime for Teens Board Game, what has been your most rewarding experience in promoting or sharing it with the public? Do you have a favorite memory?
Sharon: We have been so blessed with the response to the ThriveTime for Teens game and it is rewarding every time we see child begin to understand concepts around money and life decisions.
My favorites are the teens whom we have seen transform after using tools like BE FAB, or who tell us about conversations they have with their parents or friends drawn from the concepts in our game.
We have had testimonials from teens who said after playing that they had a better understanding for and appreciation of what their parents have to deal with financially or what the real world might be like.
MCA: Could you please tell us why you chose the Mom’s Choice Awards® program in seeking recognition for your game?
Sharon: The Mom’s Choice Award® judging panel features some of the top figures in education and parenting. Seeking a Mom’s Choice Award® a top honor was logical for us, because we speak to families and want know that Moms look for Mom-focused award programs.
MCA: What does it mean to you to be a Mom’s Choice Awards® alumnus?
Sharon: No matter how much YOU believe in your product, there is always a chance that judges won’t like it and you won’t win an award. It is such an honor to be recognized for creating a meaningful product that I created to change lives. It is a great testimonial to our product to have been so positively reviewed by the Mom’s Choice Awards® esteemed panel of judges.
MCA: What did you learn about yourself in the process of creating your award-winning financial educational game?
Sharon: I learned that it was much more than a board game. For me, it was realization of a life long mission to educate young people- to generating a tool that can change young people’s lives.
MCA: Would you recommend the Mom’s Choice Awards® to other entrepreneurs? If so, why?
Sharon: Yes! I would recommend the Mom’s Choice Awards® to other entrepreneurs. It is a great way to establish credibility for a product and an excellent marketing tool as well.
MCA: How have you/your company benefited by being a Mom’s Choice Awards® honoree? Do you have any tangible examples?
Sharon: When I speak to parents at events and mention this award, they are instantly familiar with it. The Mom’s Choice Award® has been a great way to further validate the value of the game. The first event I spoke at and mentioned the award we nearly sold out of ThriveTime for Teens games.
Mom’s Choice Awards® Honors
Product name: ThriveTime for Teens Board Game
created by Sharon Lechter
Pay Your Family First, LLC
2010 – Gold – Educational Products (13 and up)
Contact and Connect with Sharon Lechter
The Alumni Spotlight is a periodic feature on the official Mom’s Choice Awards® blog. It is part of our ongoing effort to “shine the spotlight” on our honorees and their award-winning, family-friendly products, services, and media.