Children with ADHD: How to work with them to ensure their success

Award-winning author Jackie Minniti is a Kindergarten teacher and Mom. She recently wrote a guest post for the Mom’s Choice Matters blog that we also want to share here. Please enjoy this syndicated copy of Jackie’s article about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Guest post by Jackie Minniti, author of Project June Bug.

It’s been almost thirty years, but I can still remember the “Eureka!” moment when I first learned about ADHD. Dr. Carlo Mellini was speaking to the faculty about a neurobehavioral condition recently identified as Attention Deficit Disorder. I was teaching kindergarten, and every year, I’d notice few kids who seemed bright enough but were so distractible they had trouble functioning.

As Dr. Mellini spoke, I realized that an “attention deficit” was exactly what I was seeing. Even though there was no extensive body of research at that time, from the little I could find I realized that these students faced unique challenges in the traditional classroom. I also became convinced that there were things teachers could do to help them.

I decided to test some ideas while studying for my Master’s degree and the results of my thesis project showed that some easily implemented strategies could help ADHD students improve. Since ADHD currently affects nine percent of school-age children, it’s more important than ever to find ways to work with them.

To help parents and teachers who have children with ADHD, here are a few things you, as parents, can do:

  • Don’t take their impulsive behavior personally. Children with ADHD often say or do things without thinking about the consequences.
  • Involve your child in activities that will boost self-esteem. Dealing with the problems associated with ADHD can cause feelings of guilt, hopelessness, failure, and depression. Try to identify the child’s strengths or talents, and think of ways to capitalize on them.
  • Ask the teacher not to discipline your child by singling him/her out. Students with ADHD tend to be sensitive about their behavior. Calling attention to them can increase their feelings of frustration, and stress can make things worse.
  • Suggest that the teacher use a discreet signal to help refocus your child’s attention. Children with ADHD are often unaware that their attention is wandering. A gesture (like a tap on the shoulder or a predetermined “secret sign”) can serve as a reminder to stay on task.
  • Help your child learn to express feelings more appropriately. Kids with ADHD are often unaware of how their behavior affects others and have difficulty “reading” people. Activities like conflict resolution or role-playing can help. So can teaching them to use “I” statements (ex. “I get upset when you stare at me” instead of “Quit staring at me!”)
  • Ask the teacher to seat your child where distractions are minimized, like the front of the class or away from windows and doors. Provide a distraction-free study area at home.
  • Help your child get organized. Suggest that he/she: (1) Write down all assignments and cross them off when finished; (2) Clip all completed homework papers together where they’re easily accessible (like the inside front cover of a binder) and in the order they’ll be needed; (3) Note important due dates, test dates, etc. on a calendar and check off each day; (4) Use different colored folders to separate work into subjects.
  • Break down large tasks into smaller components. Kids with ADHD often have trouble managing time and can become overwhelmed if a task seems too complex. Focus on a single part of a task for a limited time, take a break, and then go on to the next. Tackle difficult jobs first, and save the easiest ones for last.

While these strategies can help ADHD students, the most important element in the equation is finding an understanding teacher who is willing to work with them and their parents. This parent-teacher-student partnership is an unbeatable combination for school success.

Project June BugJackie Minniti has documented some of her classroom experiences in a novel entitled Project June Bug, winner of a Mom’s Choice Award for Parenting/Special & Exceptional Needs. Visit Jackie’s website at for details. The Mom’s Choice Awards are is an awards program honoring high-achieving products and books for families.

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