Please welcome award-winning author and talk radio host Johnny Tan to the spotlight. It only takes a few moments of listening to Johnny to not only see but feel the love he has for mothers. Not just his biological and adopted mothers around the world, but all mothers. Through is book and organization From My Mama’s Kitchen, Johnny wants to shine the global spotlight on the significant role mothers play in making a positive difference in our lives.
Without further ado, we are honored to introduce Johnny Tan.
MCA: Can you please tell us about the inspiration for your book From My Mama’s Kitchen?
Johnny: From My Mama’s Kitchen: food for the soul, recipes for living came about when I decided to write a keepsake to preserve food recipes from my moms. As the project developed I went on an amazing journey of discovering the essence of unconditional motherly love.
That love was the common thread that connected all these wonderful women to me, and my writing shifted to focus on the relationships I have with my adopted mom in Malaysia and with eight other women whom I have known over the years living in the United States, whom I refer to as my moms, too. I kept the original title because the kitchen is the heart of every home. That is where my nine moms and I enjoyed our many conversations.
MCA: What are your goals for the book in the next year?
Johnny: 2011 will be an exciting year for me and for my From My Mama’s Kitchen® concept. I am in the process of scheduling speaking engagements nationwide to help others use the power of unconditional love as potent leadership to achieve unlimited success in their personal and professional lives. My message is “personal success begins at home.”
MCA: If someone gave you air time for a 15-second commercial, how would you entice people to buy From My Mama’s Kitchen?
Johnny: This book is about the power of unconditional love, empowerment, and potent leadership. Through nurturing motherly love, moms have the ability to make a positive difference in the lives of their loved ones in the roles of teacher, coach, and counselor.
From My Mama’s Kitchen offers a wealth of wisdom for good parenting skills and communicating more effectively. It also pays tribute to moms in an entertaining, inspiring, and educational way. The kitchen is the heart of every home. Designed as a keepsake for all occasions, meant to last and inspire forever, the book includes a blank dedication page for readers to inscribe their own loved one’s name, and a space where readers can record their recipes for living. I share nine of my Mama’s favorite food recipes, too.
MCA: You started with an idea and now have a successful, award-winning book. Looking back on your journey, what was the easiest part? The hardest? What surprised you the most?
Johnny: Writing the book to honor my nine moms was the easiest part. The hardest part was getting the project started. In late 1999, I decided to write this keepsake to preserve food recipes from my moms. Then seven years went. I liked the idea, but was still lacking that inspiration. I felt like something was missing. In retrospect, I knew that the timing was not right. In January 2007, my then 90-year-old Italian foster mom called and asked when I would start the book. She said “I hope you will finish it before I die.”
That turned out to be the wake up call I needed. That April, I started scheduling a couple of hours each evening to write. I would meditate and write whatever came to mind. Before long, my theme emerged: “unconditional motherly love.” It was the glue that has been bonding all of us together. I knew in my heart I had made the right decision. Had I gone ahead with my food recipe concept, three of my moms would not have been included in the book. I really did not care much for their food recipes, as I was only collecting the food recipes I liked at the time.
What surprised me the most is that I could not believe I had to endure this process to finally realize that all these years, I have benefited from their unconditional love for me. They were my mentors.
MCA: Since launching From My Mama’s Kitchen what has been your most rewarding experience in promoting or sharing it with the public? Do you have a favorite memory?
Johhny: That would have to be when when several men who bought a copy during at one of my signings came by to thank me for writing the book and to share their personal experiences. One gentleman shared his story about having five moms who had contributed to his success.
Another equally rewarding experience for me is hosting the weekly internet From My Mama’s Kitchen Talk Radio Show (FMMKTalkRadio) on Blog Talk Radio. It is an opportunity to meet and showcase the extraordinary things people – especially women and moms – do to instill a positive attitude in our global community. FMMKTalkRadio airs live every Tuesday morning from 10-11 am central time. The show serves as a resource center for everyone who seeks inspirational, motivational, and spiritual stories from all over the world.
MCA: Could you please tell us why you chose the Mom’s Choice Awards® program in seeking recognition for your book?
Johhny: I chose the Mom’s Choice Awards® because I believe in the organization’s high standards and its distinction of excellence in endorsing family friendly products. I share the organization’s values and commitment to family well being by being the advocate for products and services that promote and strengthen family synergy. This is in alignment with my vision of “personal success begins at home.”
MCA: What does it mean to you to be a Mom’s Choice Awards® alumnus?
Johhny: I am excited and honored to receive this award and be a part of this distinguished group. I see additional opportunities to promote the power of unconditional motherly love as potent leadership globally. As a loyal alumnus, I will speak about how beneficial this organization is to all families, and will seek to work collaboratively with fellow alumni on future projects whenever the opportunity arrises.
MCA: What did you learn about yourself in the process of creating your award-winning XXX?
Johhny: I have learned that my life’s success has been the result of the unconditional loving mentorships I have received from my 9 moms. Having been spiritually guided to write about my experiences, I am now living the life that has chosen me. It is my turn to share my story with others to help them achieve unlimited success in all areas of their lives as well.
MCA: Would you recommend the Mom’s Choice Awards® to other entrepreneurs? If so, why?
Johhny: Yes, absolutely. I was introduced to Mom’s Choice Awards® by a fellow author friend who also happens to be an alumnus of this prestigious organization.
MCA: How have you/your company benefited by being a Mom’s Choice Awards® honoree? Do you have any tangible examples?
Johhny: Being recognized as an award-winning author will certainly be an accomplishment that will stay with me for the rest of my life. The long term sustaining benefit will be revealed in the coming months when I successfully create collaborative partnership programs with sponsors for my From My Mama’s Kitchen® concept that will leave lasting positive impact in our global community.
MCA: Thanks for spending some time in the spotlight, Johnny! I think we ought to move it to the kitchen!
Mom’s Choice Awards® Honors
From My Mama’s Kitchen: Food for the Soul, Recipes for Living
Johnny Tan
THC Investments, 2009
2010 – Gold
Adult Books – Inspirational / Motivational
Contact and Connect with Johnny Tan
via these Social Media Portals
The Alumni Spotlight is a periodic feature on the official Mom’s Choice Awards® blog. It is part of our ongoing effort to “shine the spotlight” on our honorees and their award-winning, family-friendly products, services, and media.