Your New Year’s Resolutions Made Easy

new years resolutions for businessHappy New Year!

For many of us, the start of a new year is a chance to take stock of where we are and where we want to go. For some of us, the new year brings renewed energy.  Either way, it is a fresh start for all of us.

You’ve heard the stats about new year’s resolutions and how they become distant thoughts by day 21. Maybe that’s enough to discourage you from even making new year’s resolutions … we get that.

So why not turn the idea of new year’s resolutions on its head? Rather than thinking big, plan small. We have put together these three simple – yet deliberate steps – to get you on your way.

New Year’s Resolutions – Easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Read something about your industry every day.

There are infinite ways to read what’s happening and an overwhelming amount of content. Find one source that is valuable to you and subscribe to their blog feed and/or newsletter and have it sent to your email.

If you don’t need a news source for your industry, then find an information source related to marketing for your award-winning product or service. It might be a resource on marketing self-published books, or a newsletter about getting toys and games to retail stores.

Alternative: Join a Google+ community. You can still have all posts come to your email. A community is more interactive, so you can ask questions or post your own ideas, too.

2. Don’t start your day with email (or Twitter or Facebook …).

You’ve probably have heard this before. “I’m just going to check one thing,” I tell myself. Then two hours later I haven’t even started the first item on my to-do list.

It will only take a few days to see how much “freer” your mind is and how much more you get done when you delay opening the virtual rabbit holes.

Alternative: If there is something that you MUST read every morning – maybe an accounting report or your daily calendar – then create a filter so that those emails go to a folder you can quickly check. Then leave.

3. Set a Walk-about Alarm.

I don’t know about you, but I easily (and often) lose track of time while sitting at my desk working. What I thought was 30 minutes has actually been two hours!

Aside from the physical health implications of all that sitting, there is mental fatigue, too.

Most computers – and if not your computer your smart phone – have timer apps. When you sit down at your desk, start your timer. When the alarm goes off, get up and walk away from your desk for 5 to 10 minutes.

Those 10 minutes away from the screen give your brain a chance to reset.

 ~ Easy Peasy ~

These small, deliberate steps can have a huge impact … and make 2015 your best year yet!

Got a new year’s resolution idea? Add it to the comments and let the Mom’s Choice Awards community of Honorees share in your experience.

Image Credits

2015 – AnimatedHeaven on